And...Season 24 has started!

Season 24’s dig season started on Sunday, and with good weather forecast for the next few weeks, we are hoping to progress well with the excavations and research. But prior to Sunday,a small team of people had been on site for the best part of a week, getting everything set up. This ranged from the grass in the field being cut, the nettles strimmed, the marquee being erected and the cabins, toilets and showers being delivered and placed in the right spots to ensure that the electricity supply will reach the units from the generator. The kitchen staff thoroughly cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, arranged the menu plans and started ordering from their suppliers. Additionally, this year we had an excavator on site to open up a new trench for us in Saggy Horse Field (Trench 25).

STOP PRESS – The work in Trench 23 is already looking superb, with a second germination floor having been found. As for Trench 25 (Saggy Horse Field), we are only on day two of digging, and we have found not only the edge of what we believe to be a canal, but we also have wood in-situ that may have formed part of a structure – as yet we don’t know what!
The food is epic and so are the onsite showers. The atmosphere on site is buoyant. The outlook for Season 24 is exciting!

We still have places on our courses, or if you have previously done a BERT course with us, volunteers are always welcome. Please visit our website for further details.