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What is it? Number 10 - answer
We expect you recognised yesterday's artefact as a musical instrument of some kind and you are quite right. The above is most of what is...

What is it? Number 10
Well the challenge today is probably an easy one. So: What is this? What is it made from? How old is it? Answers tomorrow 😊

What is it? Number 9 - answer
If you thought this beauty was a brooch that you would have worn, you are correct! You can see from the back that although the pin is...

What is it? Number 9
Your challenge today is to identify this intricately decorated artefact: Was it worn, was it used to play a game or was it a coin or...

What is it? 8 - answers
This amazing artefact was created during the Iron Age. Cast from bronze it is known as a terret ring and was used to guide the horse’s...

What is it? -8
Today’s mystery artefact may have you thinking so here are a couple of clues to help you along. It pre-dates our Anglo-Saxon settlement...

What is it? 7 - answers
If you thought the artefact above looked like animal bone, you are quite right. But this is no ordinary bone knife handle. The terminal...

What is it? 7
Today's mystery item is clearly only part of the artefact. So: What is it a part of? What is it made from? How old is it? As usual come...

What is it? 6 - answers
Yesterday's mystery artefact is in fact a hooked tag, used to fasten clothing. We still use similar objects today. This beautiful example...

What is it? 6
Hopefully not too difficult today. What do you think this little item is? It is complete and that is a turned back hook at the bottom....
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