SHARP Merchandise Pre-Order
As many regular SHARPies are aware we often have a t-shirt design each year, and this year is no different. The design was chosen by the committee, and features Neil, numerous yellow flags and post holes. This years t-shirts will be screen printed in two colours on the front (black and yellow) with the logo on the reverse. There will also be a mug of the design available.

We will also be doing a screen print run of the old ‘Evolution of a SHARP Volunteer’ t-shirt, but rather than any one site we have made it more universal changing the text to 1 week at SHARP. This year in the shop there will also be cloth badges available of the SHARP logo, and for those that like collecting there will be a 2022 SHARP cloth badge.

SHARP is trying something a little different this year to ensure we don’t over, or under, order on stock particularly t-shirts. We have created a survey, this survey will act as a pre-ordering system which will allow you to choose what you would like to order from us, and how many. There will be a section to indicate which week you are attending (so we can have your order ready to be picked up) or to indicate you would like them posting if you can’t get to SHARP this year. We are not asking for money at this stage, and if you miss the deadline for ordering please don’t worry we will be ordering a few more of each but obviously these are only available while stocks last.
The SHARP pre-order survey is here and it will be open until the 18th of May. There are note boxes that allow for you to indicate where you want more than one, or different sizes etc.