On this day...16th July
Here we have a lovely photograph of Sammi excavating a scatter of Thetford Ware sherds from Trench 1 in 2007. Almost all of these sherds fit together to form a large proportion of a jar dating to the Late Saxon period.
On this day in 2009 a curious ‘hook’ came to light in Trench 11. Heavily corroded it was difficult to determine its purpose but we suggested it was actually a ‘hook’ or perhaps, more excitingly, a hasp used to secure a box or casket.
When the item was x-rayed things became much clearer as you can see. It was indeed a hasp. This well-made item had a right-angled arm and central slot as we could see even with the corrosion. But what we couldn’t see was the beautifully scrolled finial!
We finish today with a much more recent shot, this time just two years ago, in 2018. Here we see environmental archaeologist Tom teaching the BERT recruits how to sieve soil samples.
Sammi was one of my A Level Archaeoogy students at City College, Norwich.