Free Aerial Photography Workshop for volunteers and local residents

Volunteering Opportunity, Training Provided
Norfolk County Council’s Air Photo Interpretation Team are running a small ‘citizen science’ project as part of the Northwest Norfolk aerial investigation and mapping project, supported by Historic England. We are using aerial sources – aerial photographs and high resolution airborne laser scanning data (lidar) – to investigate the landscape and archaeology of an area of Northwest Norfolk, broadly covering the parishes of Sedgeford and Heacham.
Each volunteer will be provided with a selection of aerial sources for a 1km2 area and will use these to identify any interesting features. Experienced archaeological aerial data analysts will provide feedback on completed areas, and any significant discoveries will be added to the Norfolk Historic Environment Record, the definitive record of the county’s archaeological sites and historic buildings - Norfolk Heritage Explorer.
Volunteers will need to attend an induction training event. The project is offering an in-person aerial archaeology training workshop to SHARP participants, open to those who wish to volunteer for the Northwest Norfolk project, but also to anyone with an interest in aerial archaeology and the use of aerial photographs and lidar data.
This in-person free workshop will be held in the Sedgeford Village Hall on Monday 22nd July, from 11am-4pm. Lunch for those attending will not be provided as part of this event.

To register your interest, please contact Sophie Tremlett at If you are a SHARP volunteer/team, booked for that week and are interested in attending please CC into your email so we can work out numbers for trench.
